Pune Lavani Festival and Competition

Winners for Maharashtra

‘Lavani’ is one of the dance performance of Maharashtra, it has been specially received mass popularity from Maharashtra peoples. It has been recognized and received mass sanctuary and royal sanctuary in Maharashtra. This is such a dance which is performed with rhythmic beat of Dholki an indigenous instrument. Late Paththe Bapurao, Shahir Prabhakar, Honaji Bala, Ram Joshi and many others were most famous writer or composer of Lavani songs. Their Lavani songs were very meaningful. Like Nirgun lavani, Shrungari Lavani, Baithkichi Lavani, and Fadachi Lavani are different types of Lavani. Later than these all types of Lavani are performed in ‘Tamasha’ entertaining and performing group in Maharashtra. Due to this content of song and dance performance has become the form of Shallowness.
Keeping in mind to preserve the heritage of Lavani dance, contents of lavani songs and to inculcate respectfulness towards the female performers of Lavani and popularity in the urban audience as like rural Maharashtra. SKVPS has organised ‘Pune Lavani Mahotsav’ a festival and competition of Lavani performances in Pune with prize of ‘Ghungru’ famous ornaments of lavani performer which is wears with costume during the performance which is made by silver and along with cash prize. And this activity will help newcomers like poet, writer, dance performers of lavani and players to perform before the urban audience. And because of this all the peoples relates to Lavani were reach to auditorium in city from the fair and rural area. So the decent female audience could also come to see and enjoy the performances in auditorium without hesitating, and this our success that we created the proper situation like this.