”पन्नाशीचा महाराष्ट्र”
State Level Open Drawing Competition
After getting the freedom to India on 15 August 1947, Maharashtra State has come- in- existing on May 1st, 1960 on the basis of linguistic majority after 13 years. Maharashtra state has achieved many things in the growth and development in its past 50 years of its journey from 1960 to 2010. Maharashtra state is still growing and developing consistently. It was very necessary that the citizens of Maharashtra state should know what king of goals achieved, infrastructural development of the Maharashtra in the different fields of economy in its past 50 years. It should be at a glance.
If we thinks about changes and development happened in drawing and painting field, there are different types paintings like simple painting, Landscape painting, Portrait painting and digital painting. Many well known artists have contributed by their innovative creations.
To focus on infrastructural developments & growth of Maharashtra & changes helds in drawing and painting field. An idea of ‘Painting Competition’ which will present state of growth and development of Maharashtra. And the creative and colorful presentation of infrastructural development and growth of Maharashtra by any modern form of painting.
Keeping this in mind and for the promotion and upliftment of Drawing and Painting field and its promotion. A State Level Open Drawing Competition “Pannashicha Maharashtra”. Total 223 artist painters have been participated in competition, out of them top 30 different drawings or creations were selected by the selection committee i.e includes eminent personality in drawing and painting field. We all are happy to that we have been taken participation of youths of Maharashtra.

An exhibition also was held at 9 different places in Maharashtra and New Delhi, capital city of India along with a book of collection of these paintings.