“भक्तीसागर” महाराष्ट्राचा सांस्कृतिक प्रवाह
पुणे ते पंढरपूर पालखी सोहळा

‘Pandharichi Vari’ is an event of prosperity of Maharashtra. Maharashtra is known as land of Saints. And the whole culture as well as life of peoples of Maharashtra is depends on philosophical thoughts of all greatest saints that we have in Maharashtra. Like Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj who gave knowledge to universal, Sant Tukaram Maharaj who teach the greatness of worship in our life, Saint Eknath Maharaj who has changed the life of people by enlightenment and Sant Namdev and many more, All these are the great sant who born and brought in Maharashtra. We always sung the philosophical thought like Abhang’s, Bhajan’s and Kirtan’s of all these sant during the wari procession from its origin to Pandharpur.
All Warkari male and females from throughout the Maharashtra have process by walking with singing Bhajan like “Dnyanoba – Tukoba” toward the Pandharpur alongwith Palkhi for the purpose to see or meet Lord Vitthala. And all Warkari’s are equal here, every body has forgotten their Duality, Highness and Cast discrimination. And every one is totally blank about this. Peoples from different regions like Desh, Kokan, Khandesh, Marathwada and Vidharbh were not only gathered here but they have been mixed each others like they are one.
“वर्ण अभिमान विसरली याती, एक एका लोटांगणी जाती”
We are always finds oneness at Pandharpur like a desert on Ashadhi and Kartiki Yekadashi wari. In this situation the sea of devotedness is overflowed among warkari’s.
Many peoples has not possible to participate this cultural event due to some domestic reasons. Everyone should know and feel like on site experience of Palkhi procession and Grand Sine dine of its at Pandharpur by seeing this moments, state of minds of Warkaris without present there.
To keeping this purpose in mind, SKVSP has decided to record the each and every moment of Palkhi by making video shooting at our own cost. And made a CD of this recording and distributed to the peoples free of cost By seeing this everyone should feel like i am part of this event and also feel the greatness of the Palkhi.
*समर्थासी नाहीं वर्णावर्णभेद ।* *सामुग्री ते सर्व सिद्ध घरीं ॥१॥* *आदराचे ठायीं बहुच आदर ।* *मागितलें फार ते ते वाढी ॥ध्रु.॥* *न म्हणे सुह्रद सोयरा आवश्यक ।* *राजा आणि रंक सारिखेचि ॥३॥* *भाव देखे तेथें करी लडबड ।* *जडा राखे जड निराळेंचि ॥४॥* *कोणा न विसंभे याचकाचा ठाव ।* *विनवुनी देव शंका फेडी ॥५॥* *तुका म्हणे पोट भरुनी उरवी ।* *आलें ऐसें दावी अनुभवा ॥६ ॥*
*भगवंत जो अधिकाराने समर्थ असते तो कोणतीही साधन संपत्ती जोडण्यासाठी समर्थ असतो. * *ज्यांना ज्यांना जी जी गोष्ट लागते ती उपलब्ध करून देण्याची ताकद व शक्ती त्याच्यामध्ये असते. * *ज्या ठिकाणी भगवंताचा आदरभाव आहे त्या ठिकाणी आदर प्राप्त होतो. आणि जे जे लागेल तेथे प्राप्त होते. त्याच्या मनामध्ये दुजाभाव नसतो. आपला आणि परका सुद्धा त्याला आपलाच असतो. राजा आणि रंक दोन्हीही त्यांना सारखेच असतात. * *जिथे शुद्ध भाव आहे तेथे गडबड करीत, धावपळ करीत त्याच्या भेटीला भगवंत येतत असतो. कोणावरही याचकाचा भाव विसंबून ठेवत नाही. विनवणी करून शंका दूर करतो. * *तुकाराम महाराज म्हणतात पोट भरून उरून सुद्धा दाखवतो. असा तो भगवंत दाता आहे. म्हणून त्याच्या दातृत्वाची अनुभूती मला आलेली आहे. असा भगवंताचा समर्थ भाव ते व्यक्त करतात.* राम राम सा….
पंढरीच्या वारीचे संस्थेच्या माध्यमातून करण्यात आलेले रेकॉर्डींगची क्लीप……..