Jagadguru Shri Sant Tukaram Maharaj State Level Abhang and Bhajan Competition
Jagadguru Shri Sant Tukaram Maharaj State Level Abhang and Bhajan Competition
A competition on theme of ‘Abhang & Bhajan’ was held throughout the Maharashtra as divisional level. During that period, many peoples were AIDS plagued in the Maharashtra state. Treatment for AIDS disease was given totally free of cost at all government hospitals by the Government of Maharashtra. But peoples from rural area were concerned about it. They are totally unaware about the information and the type of precautions have to be taken to save from this disease. It was very necessary and urgent to reach correct information about treatment and precautions have to be taken, total awareness about AIDS disease by any means of communication.
Keeping that in mind, Peoples, specially from rural area of Maharashtra the concept of this competition is implemented for their enlightenment and awareness about AIDS disease among the masses by musical entertainment. This Abhang and Bhajan competition was organized by SKVSP. The subject of the competition was to spread awareness about AIDS among the rural peoples. Any ‘Abhanga’ of Sant from Maharashtra and self composed Abhang or Bhajan on information on AIDS disease were performed by the participants followed by one, it was the rule for the competition.
Saint Tukaram Maharaj has balanced between Prapancha (family, the world) and Parmarth (charity) together, he gave a way of thinking by his great teaching to the world. Therefore, it was justified to give his name to this one of the different competition. People from rural area, small villagers constantly perform Abhang, Bhajan and Kirtan in temples at their town, this is very favorite among them. Because it brings value education to them and inculcate the values and virtues among them. This is the right way to educate them. This interest has convert in huge response as audience from them. That is why first, awareness about AIDS disease and precaution has to be taken to protect from it and second prevention of female feticide among the rural area, assuring that treatments reach the masses quickly and easily. Total 3800 teams have participated in the competition. This competition has been organised by the SKVSP in six years consistently.